SimSOM Alpha

August 14, 2012 - Posted by Georges in Appliactions, SimSOM

Sorry for the very long silence, but due to the move to a new country and the lack of time, it is until now that I was able to release some new demos of SimSOM.

It is now an alpha version, and hopefully soon I will be calling out for a few alpha testers, it will be a private alpha release.

Here are a few demos showing some of the old capabilities improved, and many new capabilities, like granular behavior, interactions between different types of materials, switching types of materials, moving geometry, and many other features. And due to a new architecture, the speed and stability were improved a lot as well.

I hope you like it!


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  • Dan Warder - October 27, 2012 - Reply

    Hey there, this tech looks amazing & could be very handy for a project I'm currently working on that needs LOTS of sand simulation. Any chance there's still a place on the testing group?

    • Georges - November 29, 2012 - Reply

      Hello,Sorry for my late response, very busy ... atm I am trying to decide, if I should keep developing the tool and sell it or release it as open source, I should be able to send a version if you still need it (keep in mind it is still an alpha though, it has been a while I didn't work on it), provided I get credited in your work ? ;)Cheers,Geo

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